Welcome to Parkside Community United Church of Christ! We are glad that you have found your way to us. Parkside Community UCC is a lovely venue for your wedding. With it's original stone chapel built in 1876 and a new addition with wood beam ceiling - it is the perfect mixture of antique charm and new comforts. Conveniently located on Hwy 33 in Saukville (next to Grady Park), just a few minutes from Interstate 43. Our church features a large sanctuary with seating capacity for 200 and we offer a fellowship hall for your reception with both rectangular and round tables available and a state of the art kitchen. We also offer an officiant and pianist to make your special day one to remember.
We are an open and affirming denomination and congregation—that means that regardless of race, sexual preference or special needs — we welcome everyone! We are also a completely handicap accessible building.
As we prepare together for your wedding, we want to make sure that your love for each other and God’s continual blessing and presence is reflected in your wedding service.
We are an open and affirming denomination and congregation—that means that regardless of race, sexual preference or special needs — we welcome everyone! We are also a completely handicap accessible building.
As we prepare together for your wedding, we want to make sure that your love for each other and God’s continual blessing and presence is reflected in your wedding service.
Planning Your Wedding
It is important that you plan for your wedding well in advance so that proper plans and reservations can be made and that there is no undue hurry in any of the steps to be taken.
Reserve the Date
Reserve the church for the wedding as soon as possible to assure your selected date. You can check availability by contacting the Church Office at 262-284-0588. Normally weddings will not be scheduled less than 90 days in advance. Arrangements are finalized after consultation with the Pastor and the down payment is received. The information sheet enclosed should be returned to the church office.
Steps in Planning Your Wedding
It is important that you plan for your wedding well in advance so that proper plans and reservations can be made and that there is no undue hurry in any of the steps to be taken.
Reserve the Date
Reserve the church for the wedding as soon as possible to assure your selected date. You can check availability by contacting the Church Office at 262-284-0588. Normally weddings will not be scheduled less than 90 days in advance. Arrangements are finalized after consultation with the Pastor and the down payment is received. The information sheet enclosed should be returned to the church office.
Steps in Planning Your Wedding
- Read this Wedding Guide completely.
- Contact the Pastor to arrange the date and times of the wedding, the rehearsal, as well as setting the times for a minimum of three premarital consultations.
- After your initial meeting with the Pastor, contact the church Pianist to reserve time on the schedule for all the music for your wedding. The Pastor will give you the Pianist contact information during your first meeting. The Pianist will be available to discuss your music with you. We strongly urge that you use the regular Pianist of the church since they are not only acquainted with our instruments, but the service as well. Any exceptions to this must be cleared through both the Pastor and Pianist.
- After you have booked your dates, the Pastor will assign a Facilities Coordinator to handle the sound system and the playing of any CD’S or DVD’S that you wish to have played before or during the service. The Facilities Coordinator will also open and close the church on the day of the rehearsal and wedding day.
- If you desire to hold your reception in the church, you must contact the Church Office Administrator at 262-284-0588 to book the Kitchen and Fellowship Hall.
The Wedding Service
Since the wedding service is a worship service, care should be taken to insure that good, sound principles of worship be followed. The Pastor will discuss the service with you during the counseling sessions.
The Marriage License
The marriage license must be secured from the Ozaukee County Clerk’s Office in the Ozaukee County Administration Building located in downtown Port Washington. The office hours to obtain the license are from 8:30am to 4:00pm (except holidays). You must bring acceptable I.D. with you to obtain a wedding license (driver’s license is acceptable). There is a five day waiting period and the license is good for 30 days.
The informational questions on the back of the license should be filled out by the Pastor performing the ceremony. Please bring the license to the church office a few days before the wedding so that it can be filled out prior to the rehearsal. The church will mail the completed license to the county clerk. The wedding couple is responsible for attaining copies from the County Clerk. For additional information on obtaining a marriage license in Ozaukee County, refer to the insert provided from the County Clerk or click here.
Clergy from other Churches
Sometimes there is a relative or close friend of the wedding couple who is a Pastor of another Christian church, not related to the United Church of Christ. We are glad to welcome the clergy of other Christian communities to assist in the service. The proper etiquette in such an instance is for our Pastor, as the host Pastor, to invite the other clergy person to assist. If you wish to have another clergy person assist in the service, these plans should be made at your first meeting with our Pastor. No wedding will be allowed in our church without the active participation of our Pastor.
Planning Music for the Wedding
Since the wedding ceremony is a worship service, the music selected to accompany the service shall reflect the sacred and joyful worship of God. This does not exclude any contemporary music you may wish to use. You must discuss the music with the Pastor as you are setting up the service. We strongly urge that you use the regular Pianist of the church since they are not only acquainted with our instruments, but the service as well. Any exceptions to this must be cleared through both the Pastor and Pianist. A special musician or soloist, when desired, should be arranged in consultation with the church Pianist in order that rehearsal times can be arranged. Photocopied music is illegal and should not be used in the church. If a CD or DVD will be used in any portion of your service, you must receive approval from the Pastor leading the service.
Since the wedding service is a worship service, care should be taken to insure that good, sound principles of worship be followed. The Pastor will discuss the service with you during the counseling sessions.
The Marriage License
The marriage license must be secured from the Ozaukee County Clerk’s Office in the Ozaukee County Administration Building located in downtown Port Washington. The office hours to obtain the license are from 8:30am to 4:00pm (except holidays). You must bring acceptable I.D. with you to obtain a wedding license (driver’s license is acceptable). There is a five day waiting period and the license is good for 30 days.
The informational questions on the back of the license should be filled out by the Pastor performing the ceremony. Please bring the license to the church office a few days before the wedding so that it can be filled out prior to the rehearsal. The church will mail the completed license to the county clerk. The wedding couple is responsible for attaining copies from the County Clerk. For additional information on obtaining a marriage license in Ozaukee County, refer to the insert provided from the County Clerk or click here.
Clergy from other Churches
Sometimes there is a relative or close friend of the wedding couple who is a Pastor of another Christian church, not related to the United Church of Christ. We are glad to welcome the clergy of other Christian communities to assist in the service. The proper etiquette in such an instance is for our Pastor, as the host Pastor, to invite the other clergy person to assist. If you wish to have another clergy person assist in the service, these plans should be made at your first meeting with our Pastor. No wedding will be allowed in our church without the active participation of our Pastor.
Planning Music for the Wedding
Since the wedding ceremony is a worship service, the music selected to accompany the service shall reflect the sacred and joyful worship of God. This does not exclude any contemporary music you may wish to use. You must discuss the music with the Pastor as you are setting up the service. We strongly urge that you use the regular Pianist of the church since they are not only acquainted with our instruments, but the service as well. Any exceptions to this must be cleared through both the Pastor and Pianist. A special musician or soloist, when desired, should be arranged in consultation with the church Pianist in order that rehearsal times can be arranged. Photocopied music is illegal and should not be used in the church. If a CD or DVD will be used in any portion of your service, you must receive approval from the Pastor leading the service.
Flowers, Candelabra, and Aisle Runners
Flowers may be placed on the altar or in other suitable places in the chancel area. No tape or tacks should be used, as well as no stick pins in the aisle runners. Bows and flowers may be tied to the pews. If you wish to leave the flowers in the sanctuary to be used in our worship services, please inform the Pastor or Facilities Coordinator.
It is to be noted that when the services of a florist are used, the florist will assume responsibility for any damages caused by the use of their decorations. The responsibility for informing the florist of this rests with the wedding couple.
The church has a pair of candelabras and pew candle holders which can be used for weddings. Please inform the Pastor during your planning sessions if you choose to use either. The use of aisle runners should also be arranged at your meetings with the Facilities Coordinator. No tape, tacks, or stick pins should be used in the aisle runner. The aisle in our sanctuary is 40 feet in length. We ask that no glitter, rice, confetti, or bird seed be used in or on the church grounds. Rose petals are permissible.
Fellowship Hall:
The Fellowship Hall is available for small wedding receptions/dinners for an additional fee of $250 plus $100 for the Kitchen Advisor. Our Fellowship Hall will accommodate approximately 100 people.
Catering is arranged by the wedding couple. The Caterer must contact the Kitchen Advisor to review the details of the event.
Photographers and Videos
We are glad to have photographers present in order that pictures may be taken of this important day. Flash pictures may not be taken during the service. Pictures may be taken as the bride enters the sanctuary and as the wedding party leaves. Digital pictures without flash may be taken from the balcony of the sanctuary during the service. Additional pictures may be taken before and after the service. Those attending the service with cameras should be informed by the ushers not to take pictures during the service. Video reproductions of the wedding must be from the balcony and with permission of the Pastor. Photographers and videographers may not stand behind the wedding party or the clergy during the service.
Wedding Bulletins
There are two options for the printing of the wedding bulletin: The first option is that the wedding couple purchases bulletin covers, creates, and prints the bulletin. In this option, the Pastor must approve the bulletin before it goes to print. The second option is that the church can create and print the bulletins for a fee of $50 plus the cost of the bulletin covers (approximately $5 per 25). In this second option, the bulletin covers will be purchased through concordiasupply.com and the wedding couple can visit the site to choose a cover design. The Church Secretary will prepare the bulletin, send it to the wedding couple for approval, and then print the bulletins.
Parkside is located at 166 W. Dekora Street in Saukville, Wisconsin. We are right next to Grady Park. We are on the north side of Ozaukee County, within minutes of Grafton, Port Washington, Mequon, and Cedarburg.
Dressing at the Church
If the wedding party chooses to dress at the church there are rooms available. It is the responsibility of the wedding party to remove all of their clothing and personal belongings from these rooms prior to leaving the building.
We are glad to have photographers present in order that pictures may be taken of this important day. Flash pictures may not be taken during the service. Pictures may be taken as the bride enters the sanctuary and as the wedding party leaves. Digital pictures without flash may be taken from the balcony of the sanctuary during the service. Additional pictures may be taken before and after the service. Those attending the service with cameras should be informed by the ushers not to take pictures during the service. Video reproductions of the wedding must be from the balcony and with permission of the Pastor. Photographers and videographers may not stand behind the wedding party or the clergy during the service.
Wedding Bulletins
There are two options for the printing of the wedding bulletin: The first option is that the wedding couple purchases bulletin covers, creates, and prints the bulletin. In this option, the Pastor must approve the bulletin before it goes to print. The second option is that the church can create and print the bulletins for a fee of $50 plus the cost of the bulletin covers (approximately $5 per 25). In this second option, the bulletin covers will be purchased through concordiasupply.com and the wedding couple can visit the site to choose a cover design. The Church Secretary will prepare the bulletin, send it to the wedding couple for approval, and then print the bulletins.
Parkside is located at 166 W. Dekora Street in Saukville, Wisconsin. We are right next to Grady Park. We are on the north side of Ozaukee County, within minutes of Grafton, Port Washington, Mequon, and Cedarburg.
Dressing at the Church
If the wedding party chooses to dress at the church there are rooms available. It is the responsibility of the wedding party to remove all of their clothing and personal belongings from these rooms prior to leaving the building.
The number of ushers to be used will depend upon the size of the wedding. Normally two ushers will suffice. All ushers should be in position in the sanctuary 45 minutes before the service. They will check the physical arrangements to make sure everything is ready and be prepared to seat guests as they arrive. Candles should be lit approximately 30 minutes before the service begins. Two or three minutes before the service, the ushers will seat the wedding couple’s parents, grandparents, or special guests. After the service, the ushers shall then direct the guests out row by row or the wedding couple may greet the guests in the pews and then dismiss them row by row. The ushers will ensure that all candles are extinguished. Any additional directions will be given by the Pastor during the rehearsal.
Certain other persons are helpful in assuring that the service runs smoothly. You will probably want someone responsible for inviting your guests to sign the guest book and possibly to pass out the bulletins.
The number of ushers to be used will depend upon the size of the wedding. Normally two ushers will suffice. All ushers should be in position in the sanctuary 45 minutes before the service. They will check the physical arrangements to make sure everything is ready and be prepared to seat guests as they arrive. Candles should be lit approximately 30 minutes before the service begins. Two or three minutes before the service, the ushers will seat the wedding couple’s parents, grandparents, or special guests. After the service, the ushers shall then direct the guests out row by row or the wedding couple may greet the guests in the pews and then dismiss them row by row. The ushers will ensure that all candles are extinguished. Any additional directions will be given by the Pastor during the rehearsal.
Certain other persons are helpful in assuring that the service runs smoothly. You will probably want someone responsible for inviting your guests to sign the guest book and possibly to pass out the bulletins.
The Wedding Rehearsal
Parkside Community UCC policy allows only Holy Communion wine as part of the service and no other alcoholic beverages before, during, or after the rehearsal. Wine may only be served if there is a reception held in the fellowship hall with the prior approval of the Church Council.
Parkside Community UCC policy also prohibits open or concealed carry of any and all firearms and other weapons.
State law indicates that our facility shall be smoke free.
Wedding Fees
Down payment of $100 is required in order to reserve the date and time for your wedding and is payable to Parkside Community UCC. This down payment is non-refundable and will be credited to the Use of Sanctuary fee in the itemized fees list below.
All remaining fees are due 60 days prior to the wedding date. These fees are payable to the individual church staff members whose names will be provided at the time of booking and all the checks should be mailed to the Parkside Community UCC church office to the attention of the Church Secretary at PO Box 80304, Saukville, WI 53080.
With the exception of the Use of Sanctuary $100 down payment fee, all fees are refundable if we receive 30 days written notice of cancellation.
Below is the itemized fees list:
- Rehearsals usually take about one hour. ALL who are participating should arrive promptly at the designated time.
- All participants should be present for the rehearsal. This includes ushers, attendants, musicians, and parents.
- The Pastor shall conduct the rehearsal after consultation with any guest clergy.
- At the time of the rehearsal, the Pastor will give all necessary direction to the members of the wedding party.
- If there is a rehearsal dinner, it is preferable for the church rehearsal to come before the dinner.
Parkside Community UCC policy allows only Holy Communion wine as part of the service and no other alcoholic beverages before, during, or after the rehearsal. Wine may only be served if there is a reception held in the fellowship hall with the prior approval of the Church Council.
Parkside Community UCC policy also prohibits open or concealed carry of any and all firearms and other weapons.
State law indicates that our facility shall be smoke free.
Wedding Fees
Down payment of $100 is required in order to reserve the date and time for your wedding and is payable to Parkside Community UCC. This down payment is non-refundable and will be credited to the Use of Sanctuary fee in the itemized fees list below.
All remaining fees are due 60 days prior to the wedding date. These fees are payable to the individual church staff members whose names will be provided at the time of booking and all the checks should be mailed to the Parkside Community UCC church office to the attention of the Church Secretary at PO Box 80304, Saukville, WI 53080.
With the exception of the Use of Sanctuary $100 down payment fee, all fees are refundable if we receive 30 days written notice of cancellation.
Below is the itemized fees list:
Pastor Fee TBD
Use of Sanctuary (Includes $100 non-refundable Down Payment) $250.00*
Facilities Coordinator $125.00
Custodian $100.00
Pastor Fee TBD
Use of Sanctuary (Includes $100 non-refundable Down Payment) $100.00
Facilities Coordinator $125.00
Custodian $100.00
Fees for Options for Non-Members and Members:
Pianist $150.00
Use of Fellowship Hall $250.00
Kitchen Advisor (Must be included if using Fellowship Hall) $100.00
Bulletins completed by Church Secretary $50.00
(cost of bulletin covers not included / approximately $5 per 25 covers)
* The use of sanctuary fee includes the $100 non-refundable down payment. The remaining $150 is refundable if we receive 30 days notice of cancellation in writing.
Pastor Fee TBD
Use of Sanctuary (Includes $100 non-refundable Down Payment) $250.00*
Facilities Coordinator $125.00
Custodian $100.00
Pastor Fee TBD
Use of Sanctuary (Includes $100 non-refundable Down Payment) $100.00
Facilities Coordinator $125.00
Custodian $100.00
Fees for Options for Non-Members and Members:
Pianist $150.00
Use of Fellowship Hall $250.00
Kitchen Advisor (Must be included if using Fellowship Hall) $100.00
Bulletins completed by Church Secretary $50.00
(cost of bulletin covers not included / approximately $5 per 25 covers)
* The use of sanctuary fee includes the $100 non-refundable down payment. The remaining $150 is refundable if we receive 30 days notice of cancellation in writing.
Please contact us at 262-284-0588 or [email protected] for more information or to check availability.